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Excellent attention to detail, amazing knowledge and skill in communicating scientific concepts and their relation to NES Health products..all with infinite patience

Helen Frank, NES Practitioner

As a NES Health Practitioner, part of your qualification and certification includes access to a variety of training opportunities. Our international training and support program is divided into required training for NES certification, and optional additional training.

Required Certification Training

Live In-Classroom Training: Each year we hold several regional events around the globe. In these active training workshops you’ll gain hands-on experience with the practical usage of our products, as well as the clinical elements required for effective and safe use of our system of healthcare. These events are open to both NES Practitioners and those looking to experience the NES Health solutions.  You can access the NES Health Training calendar here.

Online Certification Course: Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, our in-depth self-paced correspondence course will lead you step-by-step through a comprehensive understanding of our system of healthcare and each of our offerings.

This course includes:

Additional Optional Training
Annual NES International Conference: Join us at our yearly conference where we reveal our latest findings, technologies and advancements and where our family of medical professionals and practitioners come to share their knowledge, discoveries and unique applications of the NES system of healthcare.

Live Online Training Events: Our Practitioner Support Team is constantly working with scientists, researchers, and our most dedicated NES Practitioners to deepen our understanding of your objectives, challenges and needs as a practitioner – and also the needs of your patients or clients.

Every time we learn something new that we believe will enhance or benefit your practice, we will create short and informative online video trainings that we will make available to you for free as a valued NES Practitioner.

Training Dates
Find NES training in your area and book today.
1 to 1 Consultation
Request a one-to-one Consultation with an experienced NES Consultant


En tant que praticien NES, vous avez accès à nos séances de formation, en personne ou en ligne, à des vidéos de formation et à notre bibliothèque de support et de matériel marketing. Vous avez aussi accès à notre équipe de support praticien.


Regarder un vidéo de démonstration

Regardez de plus près comment le programme NES Health Bien-être intégratif peut fournir des résultats innovateurs pour vous, votre pratique et votre client..


Sources gratuites

Restez au courant de développements ultramodernes du domaine de la santé au niveau de la technologie quantique et de la médecine d’information. Nous vous offrons une large bibliothèque de documents, articles, rapports de recherche téléchargeables.


Devenir praticien

Adhérez à notre réseau mondial de plus de 4500 praticiens et professionnels médicaux se servant de produits et technologies NES Health dans leurs cliniques et pratiques.